Instructor Spotlights

Read more about ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®'s faculty members and instructors and their amazing achievements!

Dr. Wendy Rodgers (left), president and vice-chancellor of ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®, and Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray, chair of the Association of Atlantic Universities (right), congratulate Dr. Jo-Ann MacDonald, professor in the Faculty of Nursing at ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®, on winning the AAU’s 2024 Anne Marie MacKinnon Educational Leadership Award.

Dr. Jo-Ann MacDonald, a professor in the ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® Faculty of Nursing, was presented with the Association of Atlantic Universities’ (AAU) 2024 Anne Marie MacKinnon Educational Leadership Award at the AAU’s fall meeting held at ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® on September 19.


¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® instructor Ryan Drew
| Faculty, Alumni

Ryan Drew is an artist, researcher, ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® alumnus, and sessional instructor in the Faculty of Arts.

Dr. Max Schaefer outside the Charlottetown Library
| Faculty, Profile

Meet Dr. Max Schaefer, professor of philosophy in the ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® Faculty of Arts.

Dr. Magdalena von Eccher outside Steel Recital Hall at ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®
| Faculty, Profile

Meet Dr. Magdalena von Eccher, performing artist and assistant professor in ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®'s Music department.

a dietitian in a commercial kitchen
| Faculty, Alumni

Meet Faye Murphy-Gallant, ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® graduate and Foods and Nutrition laboratory instructor.

¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® climate researcher and professor Dr. Xander Wang
| Faculty, Graduate Students

Meet Dr. Xander Wang, climate researcher and professor in ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®'s Applied Climate Change and Adaptation program.

a welder standing behind a work table
| Campus Spotlight

"Sometimes I do get weird and special requests from all sorts of people as we build all sorts of machines and prototypes—that's what makes my job so unique."

¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® professor Stephanie Shaw
| Faculty, Profile

An assistant professor in ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®'s Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering, Dr. Shaw's research focuses on resource consumption, energy, and emissions.

a group of faculty members in session at the ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® Faculty Development Summer Institute
| Faculty, Campus Spotlight

¾«Í¯ÓûŮ’s Teaching and Learning Centre hosted the 33rd Faculty Development Summer Institute (FDSI) from June 6–9, 2023, signalling the return of the successful academic conference after a five-year break.

Dr. Nino Antadze
| Faculty, Profile

Dr. Antadze is an associate professor with ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®'s Bachelor of Environmental Studies program.

south entrance of Robertson Library in summer
| Campus Spotlight

¾«Í¯ÓûŮ’s Teaching and Learning Centre held its first Faculty Academy Day on September 1, 2022 with 27 instructional staff attending sessions in their Robertson Library Annex learning space. The successful event is a new initiative from the Teaching and Learning Centre, offering collegial professional development primarily for sessional and early career instructors.