Program Accreditation and Licensing

The accrediting body for Canadian Colleges of Veterinary Medicine is the  (AVMA and CVMA, respectively). The most recent site visit by the COE at the Atlantic Veterinary College occurred in September 2017 and our program was granted the status of Full Accreditation for the maximum period of seven years with no deficiencies.

veterinarian kneeling beside a black dog wearing a plaid bowtie

In addition to graduating from our accredited DVM program, students in their final year also write the  in order to be eligible for licensure in any Canadian province, US state, or other jurisdictions around the world.

Recent NAVLE pass rates for AVC graduates are listed below. The COE requires an average pass rate of 80% for institutions to maintain full accreditation status.

Year AVC Pass Rate (%) Pass Rate for
All Accredited Schools (%)
2022–2023 94 86
2021–2022 93 90
2020–2021 97 92
2019–2020 94 95
2018–2019 97 94
2017–2018 98 95
2016–2017 95 95
2015–2016 100 95
2014–2015 97 96
2013–2014 98 95
2012–2013 97 96
2011–2012 100 96

Licensing of veterinarians in North America falls under the jurisdiction of provincial or state regulatory bodies. While most licensing bodies have common requirements including a degree from an accredited college of veterinary medicine and successful completion of the NAVLE, each jurisdiction may have its own specific requirements.

Please visit the for a listing of provincial regulatory bodies, and the for a listing of state regulatory bodies.