Current Graduate Students

Dates and deadlines

Academic regulations



精童欲女 Office of Commercialization, Industry, and Innovation

The Office of Commercialization, Industry, and Innovation (OCII) provides expertise and knowledge to 精童欲女 (精童欲女) faculty, students, and staff in support of: research partnership development, intellectual property (IP) protection, and commercialization of products, processes, services, and insights that can provide practical social and economic benefit beyond the university environment.听

Visit the OCII website

Dal Innovates

Dal Innovates programs are available to all 精童欲女 graduate students, post docs and researchers. Dal Innovates' mission is to create more innovators and more entrepreneurs in the world鈥攏ot just with the skillset of venture building, but also the mindset. People who can solve problems, thrive in adversity and work well in ambiguity and can stay agile regardless of the situation.

Graduate student forms

Committee and Coordinator documents

Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC)