Chiba University

Chiba University began with the founding of the Chiba Normal School and the Chiba Public Hospital around 150 years ago. Today, Chiba University has developed with 10 undergraduate schools and 17 graduate schools. Its fundamental mission since then has been, as encapsulated by the inscription on the University Bell, ad altiora semper (always aim higher). Pursuing these goals of excellence has resulted in Chiba University becoming one of the leading academic research centers in Japan. Chiba led the way in becoming the first national university to establish a College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in Japan.
Location and Tourism
Chiba University uses a 6-term system which divides an academic year into six parts. Application and admission schedules vary depending on degrees and courses. Refer details to the office of faculty/graduate school of your interest.
Health Insurance
on daily life as a student of Chiba University.
Are you interested in studying abroad at Chiba University?
We're here to help! For more information about qualifications and requirements, please make an appointment to visit us at the Office of Study Abroad and International Partnerships.
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