Academic Portfolio
The Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Research provides leadership and management of all faculties and multiple units to support the ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®'s academic mission.
Faculties and Schools
Faculty Relations
Graduate Studies
Indigenous Affairs
Institutional Research
Quality Assurance and Planning
Robertson Library
Student Life
Teaching and Learning Centre
University Registrar
Faculties and Schools
¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® is home to ten faculties: Arts; Business Administration; Education; Indigenous Knowledge, Education, Research, and Applied Studies; Medicine; Nursing; Science; Sustainable Design Engineering; Graduate Studies; and, Veterinary Medicine. All of ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®'s official programs and courses are housed within these faculties, and some programs span several faculties.
In addition, within the Faculty of Science are the School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, which offers nine specializations across the program; and, the School of Climate Change and Adaptation and its Bachelor of Science in Applied Climate Change and Adaptation program.
Visit the ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® Faculties and Schools page
Faculty Relations
The Office of Faculty Relations provides expert advice that supports the strategic direction of the University, as it relates to academic staff relations. The Office provides support in the administration of the Faculty Association collective agreements, including interpretation, application, and administration of all activities relating to these agreements. The Office also monitors trends and changes both internally and externally, including legal and regulatory compliance processes, and identifies areas of improvement in academic staff practices.
Office of Faculty Relations page
Graduate Studies
Graduate students contribute to our most valued endeavours in academia including research, teaching, mentorship, and community outreach. The Faculty of Graduate Studies interacts with program coordinators to harmonize policies and practices across different disciplines; provides a central source of information for both students and faculty; supports new program development and promotes research and scholarly work; and, provides guidance to our graduate students.
Visit the ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® Faculty of Graduate Studies website
Indigenous Affairs
The Office of Indigenous Affairs plays a leadership role in planning, developing, and implementing Indigenous initiatives at ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®. This includes providing guidance on stakeholder collaborations and helping to develop a better understanding of and response to the Calls to Action that relate to post-secondary education as outlined in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s final report.
Visit the Office of Indigenous Affairs page
Institutional Research
Institutional research contributes to institutional business intelligence by drawing on internal and external data sources to provide accurate, timely, and reliable information to support evidence-based decision making and effective planning at a variety of levels within the institution. The Office of Institutional Research at ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® collects, analyzes, and interprets data, undertakes trend analysis and projections to provide analytical and information services in areas including strategic planning, academic planning and development, enrolment management, support program outcomes, and other areas related to students experience and success.
Visit the Office of Institutional Research page
Quality Assurance and Planning
The Office of Quality Assurance and Planning supports the ¾«Í¯ÓûŮ’s quality assurance (QA) framework to ensure that academic programs and their related functions are engaged in an ongoing, cyclical quality assurance process. This office supports the strategic vision of ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® in terms of providing quality education and educational experiences, while developing students to their full potential. The position also supports the Vice-President, Academic and Research (VPAR) with other academic planning and strategic initiatives at the University.
For more information on ¾«Í¯ÓûŮ’s vision see the .
Office of Quality Assurance and Planning page
¾«Í¯ÓûŮ’s Quality Assurance Review Process
Quality assurance of academic programming is outlined within the .
Academic Planning and Curriculum Committee (APCC)
The ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® Senate’s Academic Planning and Curriculum Committee (APCC) oversees ¾«Í¯ÓûŮ’s quality assurance of academic programming process on behalf of Senate according to the Senate policy. APCC receives and reviews QA review reports and actions for continual improvement from academic programs. APCC also provides an annual update on QA academic programming reviews to ¾«Í¯ÓûŮ’s Senate.
Chair, APCC
The Chair, APCC role is held by the Vice-President, Academic and Research. On behalf of APCC, the Chair of APCC communicates with Faculty Deans and the University Librarian regarding quality assurance of academic programs, reports internally to ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® Senate, and provides quality assurance updates to the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission (MPHEC) as needed. More information on MPHEC is available at .
Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Research (VPAR)
The VPAR Office supports review processes by assisting with logistical and institutional data aspects of reviews and site visits.
Faculty Deans
Deans provide leadership to their faculty and staff to ensure internal quality assurance reviews and follow up are carried out in a timely, student-focused manner.
Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Research
Robertson Library
¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®'s Robertson Library supports the University's mission of assisting people in acquiring the skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary for critical and creative thinking. The Library builds and preserves collections that primarily support the learning, teaching, and research needs of the University; provides access to information in an effective and timely manner; encourages information literacy through educating our various communities in the use of information resources; and, anticipates information needs.
Visit the Robertson Library website
Student Life
Life as a ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® student is amazing! Everything you need to succeed is here—quality academic programs, award-winning faculty and instructors, unique locations for learning and research, all supported by a caring and helpful community of staff members and ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® alumni. 
Visit the Student Life website
Teaching and Learning Centre
¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®'s Teaching and Learning Centre works in partnership with faculty members, instructional staff, graduate students, and academic and service units to continuously build the ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® learning environment through a commitment to the scholarship of teaching and learning, and by keeping pace with innovative and integrative technologies that support teaching, research, and scholarship.
Visit the Teaching and Learning Centre website