Get Screened

While best evidence supports a shift away from doing an annual physical on healthy people without any symptoms, there are recommendations for routine screening. Below is a list of the current recommendations for screening in average-risk individuals who are free of symptoms. If you have a family history of any of these conditions, screening may look a little different for you, so we recommend having a discussion with your health-care provider.

Colorectal Cancer Screening

  • Screening may be done by a fecal immunochemical test (FIT) or by colonoscopy.

  • Screening by FIT is recommended every 2 years between the ages of 50–74.

  • FIT can detect blood in your stool which can be a sign of pre-cancer.

  • You can get screened through FIT if you: are 50–74 years of age; are of average risk for colorectal cancer, and have a valid . (Health PEI, 2018)

or more specific details on colorectal cancer screening in PEI.

Cervical Cancer Screening

  • Pap testing is recommended every three (3) years beginning at age 25 (if sexually active) until aged 65.

  • If you have had a hysterectomy, please talk to your health care provider to discuss if further testing is required.

  • Ask your healthcare provider about how the HPV vaccine can reduce your risk of cervical cancer (Health PEI, 2018)

for specific details on cervical cancer screening.

Additional Screening to Discuss With Your Healthcare Provider

  • Prostate cancer screening

  • Bone mineral density testing (for osteoporosis)

  • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening. for more information about STIs.

  • Diabetes

  • Elevated cholesterol


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