"With hard work and attention to detail, you can conquer every obstacle you face."
What brought you to ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®? Why did you choose to study here?
After high school I applied to various universities and was accepted, but ultimately decided to stay in my home country of Mauritius to pursue a civil engineering degree. But I felt something was missing, and I craved a more "hands-on" experience and a bigger picture of engineering. I always dreamed of coming to Canada, and when ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® was recommended to me, I was amazed by the Sustainable Design Engineering program's laboratories and workshops, and the level of commitment by the institution to support an allocative role for resources.
What do you find unique and interesting about the Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering program?
¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®'s Sustainable Design Engineering program is clear in precedence, and it is distinct in the way the courses are proposed and delivered. There is much comfort in realizing that the program traces out the necessary educational blueprint to a level deemed adequate to meet global demands. I firmly believe that this program provides the prerequisite core skills and how to use them with savvy, and the multifarious activities that empower students' technical development. For example, students are allocated design projects working with industry partners to develop problem-solving skills.
What kinds of support have you received during your time here from ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® students, staff, and faculty members?
The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering consists of talented instructors and seasoned technicians with the drive and energy not only to teach us but to also learn from us. They may introduce the latest innovative solutions, but always put students at the heart of the learning process with the assistance of the latest technology. I can go on and on about my journey here, and the level of mentorship received from the FSDE instructors and technicians. I just know that my interpersonal development and technical path here was top notch. I cannot emphasize how much my journey at ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® has been refined by my peers, instructors, and technicians.
"As a French saying goes: "il faut de tout pour faire un monde" which generally translates as "it takes everything to make a world". To me, it means that it takes every person and their unique traits and abilities to make a world, and this is further implemented in teamwork."
What kinds of opportunities have you experienced because you're studying at ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®, or because of the Island location?
Being able to help other students made me more conscious about how to improve and learn more efficiently. Over several semesters, I had the chance to be an Engineering Student Success Associate, assisting Dr. Libby Osgood, the Engineering Success Centre co-ordinator. It is okay to struggle, and I have been there especially during my second year. Succeeding as an engineering student does not solely encompass honing skills, but also developing a level of stewardship and advocacy.
I organized welding workshops with our fabrication and assembly technician, and led other types of workshops for students to help them feel more at ease with new and unknown skills and concepts. These kinds of opportunities bridge the gaps between junior and senior students. When I started, I had no clue about programming or coding, but one of my instructors always motivated me to keep trying. Applying problem-solving methodology has been part of every step of my studies—a perfect opportunity to use them came in January of 2023 during the Re-engineering section of the Atlantic Engineering Competition at Dalhousie University in Halifax.
What's unique about ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®, and Prince Edward Island, in your experience?
Going to a university thousands of miles away from home and family and all that you’re familiar with can feel dreadful at the start. However, students in the Sustainable Design Engineering program are blessed to receive a warm welcome every semester in terms of orientation and introduction to available resources.
It gives me so much comfort in realizing that ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® is the launchpad of my career. The fact that ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® is associated with so many industry partners and interconnections leads to tremendous inertia. I feel this will trigger countless opportunities to work in different sectors of engineering whether it entails sustainable energy, mechatronics and robotics, bioresources, or even marketing-related projects.
What would you tell a high school student considering the Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering program?
My advice to others would be to never doubt themselves and their individual abilities. As a French saying goes: "il faut de tout pour faire un monde" which generally translates as "it takes everything to make a world". To me, it means that it takes every person and their unique traits and abilities to make a world, and this is further implemented in teamwork. With hard work and attention to detail, you can conquer every obstacle you face. I still believe that I possess only limited knowledge (even though I will complete my program this year), because engineering is a lifelong learning process, and there is always more to grasp.
What are your general plans after graduation?
I am confident that the myriad of know-how and experience I've acquired in the Sustainable Design Engineering program will surely enrich my future endeavours. After graduation, I am planning to take some weeks off to my home country for a well-deserved vacation. When I return to PEI, I am hoping to work in the sustainable energy field; however, I am really eager to be in any field as versatility is imperative to adapt to all situations.
Find your genius as a ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® student!
Read more about our students' amazing achievements and their future plans!
Interested in ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®? Contact our student advisement team today at apply@upei.ca.

Meet Rosaline, ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® Bachelor of Sustainable Design Engineering student. Originally from Damascus, Rosaline hopes to work in the sustainable energy sector and obtain a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification.

Meet Nathalie, Master of Business Administration in Global Leadership graduate (Class of 2023). After attending ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® for four months in 2014 as an exchange student, Nathalie knew she wanted to return to ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®'s Faculty of Business.

Meet Anam, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) student. After graduating next year, Anam hopes to complete an internship at a busy equine practice and a residency in sports medicine and rehabilitation with a focus on equine patients.

Meet Nicole, Bachelor of Education with a specialization in Indigenous education graduate (Class of 2023). Nicole plans to return to her position as an Indigenous school social worker in Fort St. James, British Columbia.

Meet Madi, Baccalauréat en education - français langue seconde graduate (Class of 2023). Originally from Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, Madi hopes to teach French in an elementary school and pursue a Master’s degree in education.

Meet Yvan, Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering graduate (Class of 2023). Originally from Mauritius, Yvan had always wanted to come to Canada for university, and discovered ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®'s Engineering program was a perfect match.

Meet Carter, a student in ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®'s Bachelor of Science in Chemistry program. Originally from Stratford, PEI, Carter participated in a Study Abroad trip to Belgium last year.

Meet Ehimen, Bachelor of Business Administration program graduate (Class of 2023). He's focused on a career in the music industry as a rapper and producer.

Meet Tanner, DSJS and Philosophy student at ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ®. Tanner is from Goose River, PEI, and hopes to work in human rights, child advocacy, or law in the future.

Meet Henrietta, Bachelor of Science in Nursing program graduate (Class of 2023). Originally from Lagos, Nigeria, Henrietta graduated in May 2023 and served as her class valedictorian at ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® Convocation.