Policy Administration
This process refers to the development and maintenance of ¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® Policies and Procedures.
Policy initiation
¾«Í¯ÓûÅ® Policies and Procedures are under the authority of the Board of Governors and/or the Senate. The Senate or the Board of Governors may initiate the development of a new policy or the amendment of an existing one.
Departments identifying the need for a new Policy or a change to an existing one, may also make a proposal to that effect to their Vice-President or to the Chair of the Senate, as appropriate.
Policy drafting follows the directives of the policy, .
Policy drafts are reviewed by the University Secretary for relevance, completeness and accuracy and to ensure that the contents are aligned with the University’s mission, values and governance principles.
The responsible Vice-President or the President will make the final decision on whether the Policy will proceed to the Board of Governors, with a recommendation for its approval.
The Chair of Senate takes the lead in the development of Senate Policies and in making recommendations to the Senate for their approval.
The Policy Template is the official template for Board of Governors and Senate Policies.
A Policy Tracking Form and a Policy Summary Sheet must be filled in and signed by the preparer of the Policy, the reviewer and the responsible Vice-President or the President prior to the Policy being submitted to the Board of Governors and/or Senate for approval.